Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010
Cara Daftar di Acme (Acme people search)
Apakah program “Acme People Search” itu?
“Acme people search” adalah program afiliasi yang menggabungkan semua program penghasil uang di internet dalam satu tempat. Apa saja program penghasil uang yang tergabung dalam “Acme people search”Antara lain, clickbank , adsense, GDI (Global Domain International), HD publishing, dan banyak program lainnya.
Tahukah anda, kalau sebenarnya BISNIS online paling menguntungkan adalah PAY PER LEAD yang artinya anda akan mendapat uang JIKA ada orang yang daftar di referral anda. ya, setelah saya cari2 di google, ternyata mencari pay per lead SUNGGUH SANGAT AMAT SUSAH. hingga akhirnya, saya menemukan APS (Acme search people), Pemilik APS adalah Tissa G. seorang affiliate marketer yang sangat sukses dan terkenal di amerika, dia mendapatkan penghargaan dari google adwords, karena telah menghabiskan lebih dari $600.000 untuk beriklan disana.
Apa keuntungan ikut program ini?
1. Program ini dikelola dengan profesional, jujur, dan terbukti kredibel. Jadi, penghasilan Anda yang diperoleh pasti dibayar.
2. Ikut program ini gratis, tetapi potensi penghasilan yang didapat sangat besar.
3. Pembayaran dilakukan dua kali dalam satu bulan, yaitu setiap tanggal 14/15 dan tanggal 28 pada tiap bulan.
4. Telah banyak orang di seluruh belahan dunia menikmati kesuksesan dalam program ini, termasuk beberapa gelintir orang dari Indonesia. Silakan lihat daftar orang-orang yang telah sukses mendapat penghasilan di “Acme search People” Agar Anda yakin bahwa program ini bukan scam silahkan lihat disini :
5. Pembayaran dilakukan via akun paypal sehingga proses mudah dan efektif
6. Bagaimana Cara daftar(Panduan) Acme People Search?, silahkan Ikuti Petujuk dibawah:
Cara Daftar APS / ACME seperti ini :
Sebelum mendaftar anda harus memiliki account paypal untuk pembayaran komisi anda.Untuk Daftar paypal silahkan Klik disini.
1. Daftar “Acme People Search” dengan mengklik link ini – GRATIS
2. Scroll / gulung layar ke bawah sampai anda menemukan kalimat ini Enter your email address
3. setelah memasukkan email dan security number di link atas, anda akan menerima sebuah email , di email tersebut, akan ada USERNAME dan PASSWORD anda, jangan di delete karena, username tidak dapat diubah, kalau password bisa
4. Buka Email Anda dan klik pada link yang Sudah ditentukan dan anda akan mulai selasaikan Step 1 untuk step 1: untuk menyelesaikan step 1 tidak memerlukan modal, dimana setelah kita menyelesaikan step satu ini, kita akan memperoleh link yang jika, kalau ada orang gabung di link kita itu, kita akan mendapatkan $5.setelah login ke APS, anda akan disuruh menyelesaikan step 1 dengan mendaftar di 3 perusahaan affiliate.
5. daftarlah di 3 perusahaan affiliate. yaitu:
* CLICKBANK untuk CLICKBANK,DAFTAR DISINI tapi ingat! saat mendaftar CLICKBANK, untuk country JANGAN PILIH INDONESIA, karena clickbank tidak menerima indonesia. jadi pilihlah negara lain (bebas), tapi untuk keamanan jangan pilih USA y.
* HD. untuk HD, langsung saja DAFTAR DISINI daftar seperti biasa, karena tidak ada masalah
* MY LIFE untuk MY LIFE, DAFTAR DISINI daftar seperti biasa, karena tidak ada masalah
6. setelah mendaftar di ketiga perusahaan tersebut, anda akan menerima AFFILIATE ID. cara username anda di sebuah kertas. AFFILIATE ID ada tiga, untuk MYLIFE, CLICKBANK, dan HD.
7. untuk clickbank dan HD, AFFILIATE ID akan LANGSUNG anda dapatkan setelah mendaftar, kalau untuk MYLIFE, username akan dikirim ke email anda setelah anda daftar di sana. CATAT ketiganya di kertas.
8. setelah dapat tiga2nya, silahkan login ke APS anda. setelah login, akan ada tampilan seperti gambar diatas, kliklah yang tulisan "step 1 to success: affillatize!"
9. masukkan ketiga AFFILIATE ID yang sudah dicatat tadi ke tempatnya masing. nah! setelah dari sini, anda sudah bisa mendapatkan $5 per ajak orang, silahkan klik "referrals" dan disana ada link untuk kita untuk mereffer orang.
Tapi ini belum selesai karena, kita masih belum bisa dapat $125 sebagai bonus. untuk dapetin $125 bonus, kita harus menyelesaikan step 2 dan 3.
step 2 dan 3:
untuk step 2 dan 3, kita memang MEMERLUKAN modal $40 via paypal. eiiiittsss!! jangan lemes dulu !, karena inilah kerjaan kita!, kita bisa ngakalin step 2 dan 3.
Untuk lebih Jelas cara ngakalinya silahkan Baca email temen saya yang sudah dapet, karena saya tidak cocok menjelaskan step 2 dan 3 soalnya belum dapet.
ini emailnya :
halo semuanya, saya adalah c3c3p, admin indocracker bagian advertising,terkirimnya surat ini kepada anda dan teman2 kita adalah, khusus bagi anda yang ikut APS (acme search people), saat ini saya telah mendapatkan $125 dari APS langsung ke Paypal saya, asal anda tahu kalau saya dapat memonitor anda semua, diantara anda ada yang sudah menyelesaikan step 1 ada pula yang belum menyelesaikan step 1. bagi anda yang belum menyelesaikan step 1, kenapa tidak anda coba? saya tahu alasan kalian, yaitu kalian takut APS adalah SCAM! tapi saya berani menjamin 100% APS bukan scam, coba anda search di dan ketikkan keyword "acme search people scam", awalnya
>saya juga ragu, tapi ternyata ketika saya MENGERTIKAN STRATEGI pemasaran APS, ternyata mereka juga memperoleh keuntungan dari kita, dan saya search di google,hasilnya TIDAK ADA SATUPUN WEBSITE YANG MENYATAKAN APS ITU SCAM. jadi tunggu apa lagi? selesaikanlah step 1, yaitu dengan cara mendaftar di 3 perusahaan affiliate secara gratis! setelah anda menyelesaikan step 1, anda sudah bisa mendapatkan $5 per ajak orang.
bagi anda yang sudah menyelesaikan step 1, anda juga berpeluang seperti saya. yaitu,
mendapatkan bonus $125 (Rp.1,25 juta) via paypal. caranya sangat mudah, yaitu selesaikanlah
step 2 dan 3.
untuk step 2, dan 3.. memang diperlukan modal $10 (step 2) + $30 (step 3) = $40
tapi tahukah anda step 2 dan 3 BISA KITA AKALIN??, ya, inilah yang saya pakai untuk
mendapatkan $125, dijamin berhasil karena saya sudah dapat uangnya:
jadi gini, untuk mengcompleted step 2 dan 3, kita harus punya paypal yang isi balancenya $40,
tapi bisa kita akalin, bagaimana caranya, yaitu dengan verified. ya, dengan verified.
jika anda punya paypal, verifiedlah dengan VCC. ingat! VCC.
jadi gini, untuk step 2 dan 3. seperti yang saya bilang, paypal kita harus memiliki dana
minimal $40, tapi ..... tahukah anda, kalau APS mengambil $40 nya yaitu $10 setelah 7 hari gabung, dan $30 lagi.
setelah 1 bulan gabung?. ya, itu semua benar, jadi,, kalau kita memverifikasi paypal kita dengan VCC,
maka APS akan menganggap valid, karena menganggap $40 nya akan di charge dari CC anda di paypal. padahal kita pakai VCC
jadi ringkasnya gini. kalau paypal anda sudah terverified dengan VCC, artinya anda sudah bisa
menyelesaikan step 2 dan 3 SEKARANG!, tapi kalau paypal anda belum terverified dengan VCC, silahkan buat akun paypal, di dan verifikasilah dengan VCC, belilah VCC seharga 70rb di YM: palupi.dewi.
segitu saja dulu dari saya, silahkan reply email ini kalau ada pertanyaan,
untuk menyelesaikan step 2, anda akan diminta untuk bayar $10 demi pembuatan website anda. yaitu (websiteanda).ws , ingat! ".ws" bukan .com atau yang lainnya, pilihlah kata yang mengandung kata search people. seperti indocracker, situsnya ..
setelah anda memilih nama, anda akan disuruh bayar via paypal $10, tapi tenang karena kalau paypal kita sudah terverified oleh VCC, kita bisa memvalid pembayaran ini. setelah pembayaran selesai, silahkan ikuti langkah2 yang ada di APS, tenang saja karena instruksi berupa tulisan dan gambar kok., jadi mudah dimengerti. setelah selesai, anda akan menerima username dan password dari website anda. biasanya dapet email dari sananya agak lama, saya aja 1 hari :. lalu login ke APS dan klik "step 2 to success: moneyize", masukkan username dan pass yang dikrim via email setelah daftar website tadi. selesailah step 2!!, sampai sini, sudah semakin dekat dengan $125.
step 3:
untuk step tiga, login ke APS dan klik "step 3 to success: advertise!"
saat masuk, dibagian paling bawah ada dua option, "subcribe" (paypal), dan "trialpay" (cara gratis).
pilihlah subcribe yang bayar $30, karena trialpay tidak terdapat di negara kita.
lakukan pembayaran paypal seperti biasa, dan disini lagi2 kita akalin pembayaran APS hanya dengan VCC. setelah selesai, maka tunggulah dua hari (biasanya 1 hari), maka akun anda di "refferals" akan bertambah jadi $125. itu artinya anda sudah dapat bonus. tapi tunggu dulu, jangan senang dulu, karena minimum payout APS adalah $200. jadi setelah anda dapat $125, itu artinya anda harus mendapatkan $75 lagi supaya bisa cashout.
jadi: $75/$5 = 15 orang. jadi untuk cashout, anda harus mengajak 15 orang untuk gabung lewat link anda. uang anda akan dibayar lewat paypal pada tanggal 14 dan 28 di setiap bulannya. untuk mengganti email paypal anda.
1. login ke APS anda
2. klik "Referrals" dibagian atas page
3. klik "This email address" , ada di bagian paling bawah page
selesai deh tutornya. bagi siapa yang mau copy paste, boleh kok, TANPA SYARAT APAPUN. thx:D
Rabu, 13 Januari 2010
Simple Tricks to Speed Up Your Computer
Most experienced computer users know about many assorted ways to optimize a system for the tasks at hand. An operating system will often include a range of unneeded tasks that impede your performance in certain applications. Over time, internet use can cause some significant changes that slow down your system. When I want to speed up my computer, I make use of specific tactics that generally deal with simple problems. Let's take a look at some actions that can affect my computer speed.
Clear Unnecessary Start Up Programs
Your start up cycle will usually include several applications. If you are an experienced computer user, you've most likely optimized your start up programs and processes to meet your specific needs. Unfortunately, many average users never learn about this option. When I want to speed up my computer, I always take the time to remove all unnecessary programs from the boot cycle.
For example, you can use the MSCONFIG command in Windows to choose the programs that your system automatically runs at start up. As you install new programs, several will choose to conceal themselves in the start up processes without your permission. You don't need to use all of your software at the same time. It is a good idea to just use boot processes that are required by the software that you use. There are some services that are required for nearly every program on your PC. You will need to keep these. However, you can just cut out the rest. You can simply run each program yourself when you are ready to use it. Do a little research to figure out which applications you really need to use during the start up process.
Defragment Your Hard Drive
One thing that affects my computer speed is the condition of the files on the hard drive. As files are loaded onto the drive, a natural disorganization occurs. several typical computer users do not know about the fragmentation that can afflict your hard drive. Files will be placed in an ever more disorganized way as you download and save additional ones. The most effective way to fix this issue is to defragment your hard drive once in a while. This will arrange the files in a more consistent manner. This will allow your hard drive to load them quickly. This is one of my favorite ways to speed up my computer.
Remove Temporary Files
Since most internet users take advantage of many websites that employ temporary files, it's increasingly crucial to delete them periodically. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to do. There are freeware programs that can be used to wipe temporary files. These files can hide themselves in your media players and other hard-to-find places. Go for a freeware program that removes all of them and use it periodically.
Defend Yourself Against Spyware
Viruses and malware have a horrendous effect on my computer speed. For this reason, it's crucial to use programs that work to keep your system free of these dangerous and harmful files. Spyware is one of the most universal problems that has an effect on computer performance. If your computer is filled to the brim with spyware, viruses, or other malicious programs, you can look forward to it to working very slowly. Everyone should protect their machines from these nasty programs.
The author of this article works at Geek Choice, where we can help you with problems such as: Speed Up My Computer, My Computer Speed, Slow Computer, Slow Internet, and many more!
Article Source:
What is Making My Computer Slow?
So that's a few of the simpler things you can try, if you are still having trouble with the speed of your computer then the chances are a Registry Cleaner will help you out a lot. Basically all a Reg Cleaner will do is scan through you entire Registry and get rid of all the unwanted junk on your hard-drive. As you ask your computer to do something it has to scan your system to locate the necessary files, if all those files are untidy and messy then your system will struggle and as a result will slow down.
Most of the good Registry Cleaners on the market also come with a bundle of other fantastic features like file recovery and Internet optimizer to name but a few. Getting one of the better packages can be very beneficial as it can help so many aspects of your system, however as there is hundreds of products out there it can be really confusing to find the genuine article.
Because I work with computers for a living I decided to review a bunch of different Registry Cleaners so I knew which was the best to recommend to my customers. I ended up reading about and testing around 14 different Cleaners and have comprised a list of what I think is the top 5 on the market.
So if your computer is becoming a hassle due to being so slow then a Registry Cleaner may just be for you. If you click on the link at the bottom you will be directed to a review page of the top 5 products on the market.
I hope my reviews can help some of you to restoring your computers original speed. Follow this link to the top 5 review.
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How to recover corrupt DOC file?
How to recover corrupt DOC file?
Author: Recovery Toolbox IncThis time we'd like to let you know about Recovery Toolbox for Word, this way of repairing Word document is ok for all users. Please take a closer look at the Microsoft Word fixer if you often work with text files of doc, docx, dot, dotx and rtf format. If your technical skills are pretty high, you know some ways to keep your data in safety, but are you sure that these methods may prevent the damage of Microsoft Word files? The service of Word repair document may considerably increase your certitude in the safety of business critical data. Recovery Toolbox for Word is the last chance to recover corrupt doc file if you could not prevent the damage of text files and the data cannot be restored from its backup copy. Please download demo version of fix Word documents tool and get to know how it works. The service of recover Word text is very easy to use, no need to worry that the procedure of recover corrupt doc may become too complicated. The parsing of selected Microsoft Word files is fully automated, just select the source file and click Next to continue. After the analysis of selected text documents users get the evaluation of their chances, is it really possible to repair Word docs or your file is too heavily damaged to be restored. Do not forget that Recovery Toolbox for Word may repair document even in the worst cases. So, it is not possible to forecast if your document can be restored until you evaluate the service of corrupt doc file recovery. After the evaluation of corrupt doc repair application please take a look at the data, repaired by Recovery Toolbox for Word and purchase this program if this data is restored without errors. Otherwise you may keep on testing this tool, there are no limitations for the evaluation of demo version. Product page: Screenshot: Download Link: Buy page: the Author:
Independent Software Vendor
Article Source: - How to recover corrupt DOC file?
Missing Ntdll Dll ? - Repair It !
Missing Ntdll Dll ? - Repair It !
Author: Michael GolbraichAll pc users out there who are struggling to fix a missing ntdll dll error - take one minute of your time and read these brief guidelines. No matter how well you maintain your pc, the sad truth is that you can be sure that eventually problems with windows will pop up. Take a few moments to read this article - you'll be able to repair windows problems when your computer acts up - without outside help.
Click here to fix a missing ntdll dll error now!
Allow me to share a few things with you so that you'll know precisely which part of windows is responsible for problems like these. It's no exaggeration to say that the most important element of your windows program is its registry; should it become somehow impaired, you can expect problems to show up. Naturally this is a complicated topic, so let's just say that your hardware devices and s/w programs are all controlled via the registry, therefore, if it becomes damaged somehow problems can appear in all areas of your pc. How should you go about making sure your registry is "healthy"? You have a lot of choices, but the majority of pc users these days use the same type of repair utilities to handle these problems. Registry fixers have the ability to find a number of conflicts, including new things that might pop up when you least expect them to.
It happens that your registry is contained in more than one file, dependent upon your version of the windows os, and it is recommended not to get into these intricate inner workings. This may be the answer - simple and effective tools for all of us who aren't technical experts and who don't want to deal with these windows flaws. The hassle and loss of work from a damaged registry can be significant; your data can be lost and reinstalling your entire windows system is called for.
Well, with your new understanding of how your system works and its potential problems, you currently have the know-how to fix a missing ntdll dll error in less time than it takes to scream "help!" Perhaps you're thinking you might need to reformat your hard disk to try to get your pc up to speed again, simply fixing up your registry might be just what you need. Make these errors a thing of the past! just install your choice of registry tools and run a search; with very little effort on your part, these errors will soon be a thing of the past. In these modern times, with students getting comfortable with pcs at a very young age, they want to have the capability to repair whatever troubles they might have without being dependent on others. As you can imagine, i could go on and on, nevertheless, i think that this introduction will be more than enough to get you on your way to error-free computing.
About the Author:Quickly fix a missing ntdll dll error right now!
Article Source: - Missing Ntdll Dll ? - Repair It !
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
Tips to Identify Why You Need an XP Registry Repair Utility!
Most people do not realize that the problems they are facing with respect to the efficient performance of their computers are because of an underlying registry problem. Statistics prove that out of every hundred computers ninety four of them are having hidden files that are stored in their registry which completely corrupts the system.
Continuous storage of such files lead to several problems with the registry and there will come a time when it cannot take any more load and this is the extreme situation where you will face system crashing and freezing and also the very critical blue screen of death. If you want to get rid of all these problems, the best option would be to use an XP registry repair utility.
You would have seen the option on your system in the windows security tab which says allow automatic updates. What do you think this is doing? Internally there are updates that are found every day and are installed in your system. These are small corrections to the way in which your computer works. Every time this is done a new entry is made in the registry making the old one futile. This is one reason why there are orphaned, bad paths, shortcuts, links etc that is present in the database causing trouble.
The other reasons why you need an XP registry repair utility is because of unwanted browser objects like cookies which do take up a lot of storage space. Each application when processed on your system receives an application Id using which it is recognized. These needs to be discarded after use, but this are not done which causes a lot of confusion. Another reason why you need an XP registry repair utility is the presence of unwanted entries in the recently opened file list.
There are several brands of XP registry repair utility that are available. The choice that you make is crucial as this is what controls the entire working of your system. When you choose an XP registry repair utility for your system, you need to make sure that you choose something that will maintain your system registry properly. There are several that are available online and you need to concentrate only on the one that will have the best effect on your system.
Now Pay Close Attention Here-
There are many registry Repair Tools available, Every Registry Cleaner has some benefits as well some drawbacks. Check the Registry Cleaners Review- Click Here, Also Don't Forget to Run a Free Performance Scan using our Top Pick.
Article Source:
Is Windows XP Running Slow - How to Fix Errors on Your PC and Speed it Up Right Away
Think of your computer as like a car that needs to have some form of maintenance every now and then. Without proper care, you will experience a lot of problems and this is why you will find windows XP running slow.
If you do not take good care of the things you value the most, you will lose them. To do this, you must clean your windows registry often because the registry is the general storage facility of files for your computer. If it contains a lot of errors then the chances are you are in for a lot of trouble.
Since the windows registry is like a storage facility you know that when it is filled up you will certainly have problems on your hands.
Here are some questions you will need answers to if you want to speed up your PC.
#1 How do you keep everything organized?
#2 How do you make your computer run faster?
#3 Where will you put the files that you still need?
#4 How will you determine which of these files need to go and which ones should you keep?
One of the answers is with a registry cleaner. Since the windows registry has an annoying ability to accumulate a lot of error files from different sources like the internet or some programs that you have previously installed. When your computer begins to have some glitches or problems you should check out some of these tips to bring your PC back to how it was before and stop windows XP running slow.
1. Try scanning your entire windows registry using a registry cleaner. Find a registry cleaner that has a backup function. This allows you to undo whatever it is the cleaner has done to your PC and to keep a backup in case something goes wrong with your computer while your carrying out this step.
If the cleaner accidentally deletes or removes an important file, then you can undo the process and restore the files again to how they were.
2. Once you are done scanning your entire disk you can use the same software to check for viruses or malware that are hidden inside your computers registry. Viruses and some malware have the ability to steal your username and passwords and send them back to their creator. Run your cleaner and remove them immediately.
This is all done for you automatically with a good cleaner and once it is finished you will find your registry is organized and your computer will run faster and be free of dangerous malware hiding in the registry and stop windows XP running slow.
If you have a slow windows computer here is the best solution for Windows XP running slow this will make your computer run faster, just click here
Article Source:
Registry Cleaner Utility - Your Perfect Solution to an Efficient PC!
Have you noticed in the recent days that your beloved personal computer is taking unusually more time to respond? Have you felt the need of calling a technician to your house to attend to your slow PC? If that is the case, then please do hold your breath for some minutes because here you may discover a better, viable and also relatively cheaper alternative to rescue you from this debacle.
Yes, the reference here is been made to a readily available solution to the slow performance of your PC and it is called, in technical terms as Registry Cleaner Utility. The registry cleaner utility is actually software which is easily available in the internet for a minimal amount. You just need to download the software and run the same on your PC.
The registry cleaner utility will check the errors, missing or corrupted keys in the registry hives of your computer and if any are discovered, the same will be fixed by it. The registry is not a small thing. If you open the registry you will find that there are so many of these key value pairs that exist. Each application may have about hundreds of keys to its credit. Searching and finding one particular key value in this whole scenario can be a tough task even for the computer because there needs to be a lot of the system resources that need to be used.
To make matters worse. Some of the entries in this part of your system can be invalid and like it has entered an infinite loop, the computer will go on looking for it causing the system to slow down, freeze and ultimately crash and become useless.
Registry Cleaner Utility indeed saves the users a lot of money and time that they would have, in other case, spent on computer repairs or formatting. The procedures to follow in order to run this utility are also easier and a simple computer literate can easily run them on their computers without requiring any help from experts or technicians.
Now Pay Close Attention Here-
There are many registry Repair Tools available, Every Registry Cleaner has some benefits as well some drawbacks. Check the Registry Cleaners Review- Click Here, Also Don't Forget to Run a Free Performance Scan using our Top Pick.
Article Source: